5 Home Projects to Complete in 10 Minutes or Less

You probably have a laundry list of projects you've been meaning to complete around your home. Luckily, there are tips to help you complete some of these tasks in ten minutes or less. Your home can feel more organized (almost) instantly.

Organize your kitchen pantry: Start by sorting out expired items. Now organise your shelves by function. Separate snacks, baking necessities, spices, and more. Take inspiration from your favourite grocery stores. This ten-minute task can save you time when you're cooking your favourite recipes or making a quick midnight snack. As an added bonus, it reduces the chance of adding salt instead of sugar or vice versa.

Make natural cleaning products: Skip the store. Make your own cleaning products using things you probably already have on hand. You can save money, have a clean home, and be more environmentally friendly.

Organise your closet: Set a timer and organise your closet for ten minutes. We recommend organising by colour, type, or function. For example, hang all shirts, jackets, sweaters, skirts, pants, and dresses with each other. You will probably end up saving time in the long run, because it will be easier to find what you're looking for.

Peeling wallpaper: Put a drop of wallpaper paste on a sheet of paper, rub the paper on the underside of the exposed wall, then press the peeling wallpaper against the glue. Smooth any bubbles out with a clean cloth and the wall can look as good as new!

Sliding glass doors or windows: If your glass fixtures are not sliding as smoothly as they should, spray a cloth with silicone lubricant and wipe it along the tracks. It'll make it easier to get some fresh air.

Get off your computer, turn off the TV, and get started!


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