Thirlmere 17-19 Morris Crescent
For Sale
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Open Times
- Please contact Geoff Eagles to arrange an appointment.
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Just freshly registered, these two glorious lots (offered at $600,000 each) are likely two of the best in the entire estate. Beautiful street fronting lots with the slightest fall down to the sealed and kerbed 15 metre road frontage. Town water, sewer, natural gas and NBN available. Your opportunity to join Thirlmere's premier large lot residential estate where most lots are over 700m2. Easy walk to beautiful Thirlmere town centre.
Property Information
- Land area approx 729.7sqm
7/72-80 Argyle Street
Local Information Thirlmere
Nearest Government Schools
- Thirlmere Public School
- Tahmoor Public School
- Picton High School
- Picton Public School
- Buxton Public School
- Bargo Public School
Nearest Private Schools
- Wollondilly Anglican College
- St Anthony's Catholic Primary School
Local Amenities
- Thirlmere Lakes State Park
- Thirlmere Lakes National Park
- Tahmoor Park
- Tahmoor Lions Park