Century 21 Keysborough Real Estate Snapshot
Houses in Keysborough
The price of a house in Keysborough ranges from around $666,000 to $1,000,000.
A typical house in Keysborough has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and parking for 3 cars.
Education in Keysborough
Government Schools
- Keysborough Gardens Primary School
- Chandler Park Primary School
- Keysborough Primary School
- Wallarano Primary School
Private Schools
- Mt Hira College
- Resurrection School
- Haileybury College
- Lighthouse Christian College
Local Amenities in Keysborough
- Bowmans Redgum Reserve
- Ian Tatterson Leisure Park
- Keysborough Reserve
- Roly Allan Reserve
Sport and Recreation
- Pat Wright Senior Oval
- Bonbeach Sports Reserve
Community Facility
- Paddy O'Donoghue Community Centre
- Dandenong Police Station
- Springvale Police Station
- Doveton Police Station
- Chelsea Police Station
- Dandenong Hospital