Century 21 Coffs Harbour Real Estate Snapshot
Houses in Coffs Harbour
The price of a house in Coffs Harbour ranges from around $544,000 to $1,525,000.
A typical house in Coffs Harbour has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and parking for 2 cars.
Education in Coffs Harbour
Government Schools
- Narranga Public School
- Coffs Harbour Public School
- Coffs Harbour Senior College
- Tyalla Public School
Private Schools
- Bishop Druitt College
- St Augustine's Primary School
- St John Paul College
- Allegra School Coffs Harbour
Local Amenities in Coffs Harbour
- Shepherd Park
- Jaycee Park
- James Smith Park
- Wilson Park
- Coffs Harbour Post Office
- Coffs Harbour Plaza Post Office
- Coffs Harbour Jetty Post Office
- Sawtell Post Office
Sport and Recreation
- Sawtell Golf Course
Shop 6/2 Moonee Beach Road
Moonee Beach
Real Estate For Sale in Coffs Harbour, NSW