Century 21 Dalyellup Real Estate Snapshot
Houses in Dalyellup
The price of a house in Dalyellup ranges from around $611,000 to $750,000.
A typical house in Dalyellup has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and parking for 2 cars.
Education in Dalyellup
Government Schools
- Dalyellup College
- Dalyellup Primary School
- Tuart Forest Primary School
- Maidens Park Primary School
Private Schools
- Bunbury Baptist College
- Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School
- St Joseph's Primary School
- Bunbury Regional Community College
Local Amenities in Dalyellup
- Sheoak Park
- Smeeth Park
- Whiteman Park
- Ray Bain Park
Sport and Recreation
- Capel Golf Club
- J E Hands Memorial Oval
- The Sanctuary Golf Resort
- Bunbury Golf Club
37/23 Casuarina Drive
Real Estate For Sale in Dalyellup, WA