Century 21 Clayton Real Estate Snapshot
Houses in Clayton
The price of a house in Clayton ranges from around $755,000 to $2,800,000.
A typical house in Clayton has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and parking for 2 cars.
Apartments in Clayton
The price of a apartment in Clayton ranges from around $251,000 to $950,000.
A typical apartment in Clayton has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and parking for 1 car.
Education in Clayton
Government Schools
- John Monash Science School
- Clayton North Primary School
- Huntingdale Primary School
- Amsleigh Park Primary School
Private Schools
- St Peter's School
- Cheshire School
- Christ Our Holy Redeemer School
- St Andrew's School
Local Amenities in Clayton
- Evelyn Reserve
- Fregon Reserve
- Meade Reserve
- Notting Hill Reserve
- Clayton Police Station
- Mount Waverly Police Station
- Oakleigh Police Station
- Springvale Police Station
- Waverley Hospital
- Oakleigh Commmunity Hospital
- Moorabbin Hospital