How to Transition Your Kids' Rooms

As your children grow and change, so should their bedrooms. However, if you were to revamp their rooms with every changing interest, favourite colour or boy band, you would not only be spending a lot of time, but also a lot of money. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you're looking to transition a child's room as he or she continues to get older.

Start With Change in Mind

Designing a child's nursery when you're expecting is a fun and exciting experience. What parents may not plan for, though, are the unforeseen changes that the room might need as the child grows. Create a nursery with neutral wall colors and an open floor plan for playtime. It makes an easier transition that you can work with each changing year.

Consult With Them

When you're planning to revamp your children's room after a few years, make sure to consult with them. It's likely they won't hold back in letting you know what they want. You can enhance a child's creativity and production levels if their rooms are filled with things that excite them.

Choose the Right Items

There are certain pieces of furniture and décor that can grow with a child. For example, a desk is a piece of furniture that can be added into a room and never seem to lose its importance, whether they'll be endlessly creating works of art in colouring books or doing homework.

Work Slowly but Surely

Make sure to try not to overwhelm your child with a lot of changes at once. If you've decided that it is time to "grow up" from the nursery, it may be best to do it little by little. Most parents choose to start with a new bed before gradually continuing to swap out the old with the new.

Remember Teen Tips

During the teen years, make sure to declutter, freshen up with a new paint job, and provide grown-up accessories. Allow room for self-expression, but with limits. For instance, you can frame posters instead of using thumb tacks or tape directly on the walls. A bold rug is fine for the time being, especially if it protects the carpet or floor from food spills or shoe marks.

Raising children can be one of the greatest joys in life, so make sure their room reflects that! Take these tips with you over the years and let the DIY project become a fun one you and your child can look back on.

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