Smithfield 56 Marlborough Street
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"Everything You Dream Of"
5 2 2
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Area = 650m2 Dimensions = 18.44/18.29x35/37.26 There is not much more you can ask for in this property. Offering great family living, a spectacular block of land, an amazing location. Other Features Include: * 5 Large bedrooms * 2 x Bathrooms * Built-ins + Air-conditioning * Double lock up garage * 3 Lots - Triplex Site (s.t.c.a.) * 18 Metre Frontage + 650m2 block * Fully renovated * Huge living areas. "WALK TO FAIRFIELD & FAIRFIELD HEIGHTS SHOPS". "VENDOR COMMITTED ELSEWHERE".
Property Features
- Car Spaces 2
1/95-97 Ware Street
Local Information Smithfield
Nearest Government Schools
- Fairfield Heights Public School
- Fairfield Public School
- Smithfield Public School
- Fairfield High School
- Fairvale Public School
- Fairfield West Public School
Nearest Private Schools
- St Gertrude's Catholic Primary School
- Warakirri College
- Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School
- Patrician Brothers' College Fairfield
- St Patrick's Primary School
- Aspect Western Sydney School
Local Amenities
- Smithfield Post Office
- Fairfield Post Office
- Smithfield Park
- Thorley Park
- Fairfield Heights Park
- Crescent Park
Sport and Recreation
- West Guildford Sports Centre
- Makepeace Athletic Field
- Janice Crosio Oval