Wetherill Park 15 Price Street
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"Central Wetherill - Square Vacant Block"
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Sensational LocationWalking distance to Stocklands + CinemasVacant parcel of land ready to build15+ Metre FrontageVery rare parcel of land to findVendors are overseas & have committed elsewhereMake an offer today
1/95-97 Ware Street
Local Information Wetherill Park
Nearest Government Schools
- William Stimson Public School
- Prairiewood High School
- Smithfield West Public School
- Prairievale Public School
- Westfields Sports High School
- Fairfield West Public School
Nearest Private Schools
- Mary MacKillop Catholic College
- Aspect Western Sydney School
- Mary Immaculate Catholic Primary School
- St Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School
- St Gertrude's Catholic Primary School
- Our Lady of Mt Carmel Catholic Primary School Mount Pritchard
Local Amenities
- King Park
- Marconi Park
- Wetherill Park
- Bossley Bush Recreation Reserve
Sport and Recreation
- Fairfield Municipal Golf Course
- Fairfield Golf Course
- Janice Crosio Oval
- Marconi Oval
- Smithfield Post Office