Century 21 Picton Real Estate Snapshot
Houses in Picton
The price of a house in Picton ranges from around $644,000 to $4,000,000.
A typical house in Picton has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and parking for 3 cars.
Education in Picton
Government Schools
- Picton Public School
- Picton High School
- Thirlmere Public School
- Tahmoor Public School
Private Schools
- St Anthony's Catholic Primary School
- Wollondilly Anglican College
- St Paul's Catholic Primary School
- Broughton Anglican College
Local Amenities in Picton
Sport and Recreation
- Hume Oval
- Nott Oval
- Narellan Sports Hub
- Rosemeadow Sports Complex
- Rsl Memorial Park
- Shepherd Memorial Park
- John Shepherd Memorial Park
- Victoria Park
- Picton Post Office
- Camden Post Office
- Nattai Post Office
- Nattai River Post Office
7/72-80 Argyle Street
Houses For Sale in Picton, NSW