Century 21 Werrington Real Estate Snapshot
Houses in Werrington
The price of a house in Werrington ranges from around $555,000 to $1,130,000.
A typical house in Werrington has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and parking for 1 car.
Education in Werrington
Government Schools
- Putland School
- Werrington Public School
- Penrith Valley Learning Centre
- Kurrambee School
Private Schools
- Wollemi College
- St Marys Flexible Learning Centre
- Our Lady of The Rosary Primary School
- St Joseph's Primary School
Local Amenities in Werrington
Sport and Recreation
- Range Oval
- Blair Oval
- Blair Oval
- Ellison Reserve
- Cedars Park
- Parkes Avenue Reserve
- Cambridge Park Reserve
- Penrith Post Office
222 Queen Street
St Marys