Century 21 Aldinga Beach Real Estate Snapshot
Houses in Aldinga Beach
The price of a house in Aldinga Beach ranges from around $554,000 to $1,800,000.
A typical house in Aldinga Beach has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and parking for 2 cars.
Education in Aldinga Beach
Government Schools
- Aldinga Beach Primary School
- Aldinga Payinthi College
- Willunga Primary School
- Willunga High School
Private Schools
- Cardijn College Galilee
- Willunga Waldorf School
- Tatachilla Lutheran College
- All Saints Catholic Primary School
Local Amenities in Aldinga Beach
- Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park
- Aldinga Holiday Park
- Clarrie Eatts Reserve
- Dolph Waye Reserve
- Donolga Winery
- Aldinga Bay Winery
- Dyson Winery
- Fox Creek Winery
Sport and Recreation
- Aldinga Bay Bowling Club
- Aldinga Oval
- Aldinga Post Office
- Sellicks Hill Post Office
- Myponga Post Office
- Willunga Post Office
Community Facility
- Barn Art Gallery
161 Esplanade
Aldinga Beach
Real Estate For Sale in Aldinga Beach, SA