Century 21 Echuca Real Estate Snapshot
Houses in Echuca
The price of a house in Echuca ranges from around $33,000 to $3,850,000.
A typical house in Echuca has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and parking for 3 cars.
Apartments in Echuca
The price of a apartment in Echuca ranges from around $316,000 to $560,000.
A typical apartment in Echuca has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and parking for 1 car.
Education in Echuca
Government Schools
- Echuca East Primary School
- Echuca Primary School
- Echuca College
- Echuca Twin Rivers Specialist School
Private Schools
- River City Christian College
- St Mary's School
- St Joseph's College
- Moama Anglican Grammar School
Local Amenities in Echuca
- Rich River Health Group
- Dove Medical Centre
- Echuca Regional Health
- Echuca Hospital
- Rotary Park
- Lions Park
- Echuca Wildlife Reserve
- Hopwood Gardens
- Echuca Fire Station
- Echuca Police Station
- Moama Post Office
- Deakin North West Fire Station
509 - 511 High Street
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