Century 21 Carlisle Real Estate Snapshot
Houses in Carlisle
The price of a house in Carlisle ranges from around $555,000 to $1,200,000.
A typical house in Carlisle has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and parking for 2 cars.
Education in Carlisle
Government Schools
- Carlisle Primary School
- East Victoria Park Education Support Centre
- East Victoria Park Primary School
- Lathlain Primary School
Private Schools
- Australian Islamic College (Kewdale)
- St Clare's School
- Ursula Frayne Catholic College
- St Augustine's School
Local Amenities in Carlisle
- Parnham Park
- Fletcher Park
- Carlisle Park
- John Bissett Reserve
Sport and Recreation
- Somerset Pool
- Eftel Oval
- Victoria Park Carlisle Bowling Club
- Vic Park Squash Club
4/55 Archer Street
Real Estate For Sale in Carlisle, WA