Century 21 Coodanup Real Estate Snapshot
Houses in Coodanup
The price of a house in Coodanup ranges from around $555,000 to $1,025,000.
A typical house in Coodanup has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and parking for 2 cars.
Education in Coodanup
Government Schools
- Coodanup College
- Dudley Park Primary School
- Greenfields Primary School
- Riverside Primary School
Private Schools
- Mandurah Catholic College
- Foundation Christian College
- Frederick Irwin Anglican School
- Assumption Catholic Primary School
Local Amenities in Coodanup
- Birchley Park
- Beacham Reserve
- Koomarl Park
- Revesby Reserve
- St John Ambulance Mandurah Training Centre
Sport and Recreation
- Peel Social & Bowling Club Inc
- Mandurah Bowling Club
Community Facility
- Australian Sailing Museum
92 Mandurah Terrace