Century 21 Merriwa Real Estate Snapshot
Houses in Merriwa
The price of a house in Merriwa ranges from around $498,000 to $750,000.
A typical house in Merriwa has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and parking for 2 cars.
Education in Merriwa
Government Schools
- Merriwa Primary School
- Merriwa Education Support Centre
- Quinns Rocks Primary School
- Clarkson Primary School
Private Schools
- Alkimos Baptist College
- Irene McCormack Catholic College
- Quinns Baptist College
- St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School
Local Amenities in Merriwa
- Coldstream Park
- Dalvik Park
- Dunmore Park
- Orara Park
Sport and Recreation
- Merriwa Bowling Club
- Quinns Rocks Bowling Club
Unit 1, Ocean Keys Commercial Centre, 1868 Marmion Avenue
Real Estate For Sale in Merriwa, WA